Tag Archives: lolz

Community Channel


Hello fellow bloggers, and welcome to my blog for all those who happened to stumble upon my blog. If you haven’t already noticed, each time I do a blog post I usually has either a theme or a certain requirement I have to fulfill. This is only because this blog is a school assignment and I want an A. The challenge for this post is to use a comment on a previous post and base this post off of that comment… A while back, on my post KSI, my friend Peter ( view his blog @ acasualsaturdaymorning.wordpress.com) commented that I should watch some videos by the Community channel…. And here were are now.

OK…Sorry but I’m feeling really lazy today and I don’t feel like commenting on the videos so im just going to….ummm…some of my first world problems.

1) I hate it when you go into the shower and it’s too cold, then when you move the knob like less than an inch, Satan like pours out of the shower to kiss your back… I mean, can there be a way to directly change the temperature so I can get a toasty 81.2 degrees instead of a burning 81.5.

Satan meme


2) I cand stant it when teacher think that they can just decide when you leave their class. Like I have another class to get to and I  dont want to be late! Teachers be like “The bell does not dissmiss you, I do”… then whats the point of the bell? And then those same teachers have the nerve to say that once the second bell rings, I’m late… like no.

Bell2 Bell1 Bell3

Well thats it for now.. I’ll continue some other time but for now follow, like, and comment what first world problems you have. And dont forget to vote please.



This is a commentary

So the challenge for this port was to use meaningful topic sentences. I mean, to be honest, thats kinda impossible because rarely put any types a thought into what I write on here mainly because I want the reader to enjoy the videos and have to worry about having to read some structured paragraphs to kill the vibe, but I want an A so deal with it..

So without further ado, i present to you… My VERY shitty paragraphs with half-assed topic sentences.


So I was inspired by these videos to write about things that piss me off as well.

Number 1

People who like to give ambuguous answers to simple question absolutly infuriate me. For one they dont do anythin for you or themselves.  I mean maybe they want to avoid a long conersation, but if its a yes or no question just freakin answer it. GEEZZ. Get your life to together because its so scattered that you cant even give a straigt answer. Another defence might be that “I want you to solve your own probles'” or “I want to provoke your thinking”. Like where do you get your drugs?!?!?!? For example, I could ask someone if brown and yellow go together and they would say, “I dont know.. does it?”. Like listen beeotch, if I knew I wouldnt walk all the over here to ask you!

Number 2

I HATE “Story yeeters”. What these people are, are the people  who start to tell you something, but then leave you hanging half way through saying,” I can’t tell you” or “never mind”. IF I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO FREAKING KNOW DONT SAY ANYTHING. For example a conversaton would go like this:

“Hey, this girl did something really bad to me.”


“I cant tell you that”

“Then why would you bring it up you low ass, malnurished lookin, unibrow having, childish actin bastard!”


Well thats it for now.. I’ll continue some other time but for now follow, like, and comment what gets you mad. And dont forget to vote please.




Niga Higa


So this week, the challenge for this post is to change my tone. I usually write casually because this is a blog about funny videos after all. So I’m changing my tone to total fan girl (loads of CAPS). This can’t be too hard partly because I AM A FANGIRL EXTREME OF NIGAHIGA AND PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING.

Now on to you regularly scheduled blog post.

So very true. I live off the internet and I can only be homeless when the wifi is down. I experience all of these people on a regular basis. I can be the person to use “bruh” and other phrases, but it’s usually me who started them. For example, I STARTED THE HAND-HASHTAG THING AND NOW EVERYONE DOES IT… BRRRRUUUUUHHHHHHH. I absolutly hate trolls. They make me want to call up my epic fandom team(I’ll explain later) to kill them sometime.

Well can’t we all relate. I mean not the part about being a TOTAL WUSSY CAKE, but the fact that horror movies are actually really stupid when you think about it. One thing I love about Nigahiga is that we think alike. Everytime I watch a scary movie, my fangirl imagination sets off, causing Four, or Katniss to magically show up and murder everyone. I WOULD LOVE IF THAT REALLY HAPPEND, TOO.

Welp…… Where do I begin. I find this video VERY HILARIOS. But its sooooo weird and literal. I like that. The one with how to piss of a girl and a guy had me on the floor in a puddle of my own tears. I WAS DYING. If you died, too well then good job.

YESSSSSSS. THIS IS MY FAVORITE VIDEO. I am one of the most conspiratorial you could ever possibly meet. My friends can tell you. I strongly believe that the American government is the illuminati. Think about it, the one dollar has a triangle with the eye plainly on the back. Did  you know that if you fold a % dollar bill the right way, it shows the twin towers burning. Also if you type illuminati backwards into your browser and add .net, it will take you to the NSA website( itanimulli.net ) . This video shows another side of the illuminati. And guess which country America has been aiding the past few year… that’s right, ISRAEL.

This has become my motto now. It is absolutely true on many levels. The consequences are pretty ridiculous in this video but, thats none of my buisness doe.

Ok… well that’s it for now guys. Follow, like and comment.  Also please, fill out the form.

So don’t forget to Live and Love to Laugh


Yourchonny, Mychonny… Ourchonny (But there is no ourchonny….)

So im really sorry, but the winner of last weeks poll was Swoozie. I had to come up with a creative title for class and I only had one for your/mychonny. I promise I’ll do Swoozie next post…Anyway, Back to post topic… XD


Im not sure if this is a bad thing or not, but I do the EXACT same thing when Im cold. And my parents do the same thing too. My dad is always like, “Go put some clothes on” or “The heat bill is already too much.” Also my mom is always complaining that it’s cold so she locks the door to her bedroom and turns on the electric heater,leaving the rest of the family to freeze.

All credit to my friend Cermeron for showing me this video. He used to replicate the video in homeroom in 8th grade sometimes. His accent is spot on (partly because he IS asian).  Anywho… I watched It like three times and couldn’t stop laughing. And then at the end when it turned out to be a math class…. HAHAH AHAHHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHA HAHA HAH Tee Hee Hee

This is a pretty short vid, but it had all the comedy it needed to make it to this blog. Im soooooo impressed that it was one of the funniest videos I’ve seen,but also one of the shortest.

If the average Asian father is like this, God, turn my dad Asian…. They are soooo funny. also I have a strange attraction to Asians.



“Im eating Jesus, Im eating Jesus.” HA that was my favorite part by far. LOL too funny. And then the part with the pudding cups. Also the bloopers were on point.

More credit to Cameron, who also showed me this video. He would always do the loser thing. My wrists can do that thing pretty good. Off topic, Asians are extremely talented.

The title s really misleading. Ok. I may see like a pysco for posting a video with kind of title, but as you saw, it’s nothing like that.

Ok… well that’s it for now guys. Follow, like and comment and vote. Also please, fill out the form. I want to see how many people in my class actually vote.

So don’t forget to Live and Love to Laugh






In this first video, the people taking part in the challenge were spitting all over each other. While  watching this video, I was drinking soda and I ended up spitting everywhere. Now, I’m pretty sure that my computer is glitching right now though. I like how they seemed to not mind getting spit at.  

I like this video because the football players are always running after him. I also think it was really creative to do the thing where he would stand still after getting the crowed all pumped up. The last part where he gets arrested was pretty exiting. But all in all, it was the performers that really made the video worth watching.

So it seems that googling yourself could be one of the funniest things you could ever experience. This video was funny, relatable, creative and conspiratorial.  I actually have an anti-illuminati squad at school. My friends Grace D. and Ben L. (He is a terrible person). The second funniest part was when he was going to tell us his wage but them faked a camera malfunction.  

This video was just to funny for me. I was rolling and crying everywhere. I was pretty much dead when that guy was giving out the penalty cards. Everyone was really weird-ed out by it, and most of them just kept walking without even looking to help the dude. It another A+ video in my opinion.

Not really sure how to sum this up….

Ok… well that’s it for now guys. Follow, like and comment and vote. Also please, fill out the form. I want to see how many people in my class actually vote.

So don’t forget to Live and Love to Laugh

Jimmy Fallon

My #weirdgymstory is one time when I was 7, I went to the gym with my mom. She was taking a Kickboxing class and I wasn’t allowed inside the room. So i was standing outside and an old lady, whose clothes looked like it was dyed with unicorn barf, came up to me and was like, “Do you work here”. Me, being a person who hates when people ask stupid questions that have an obvious answer, i’m like, “Does it look like I work here?” She replies, “Yes It does, and now because of your smart mouth I’m reporting you to your manager.”

I remember on time at camp when my roommate, Kathy hid her stuff in the woods so she couldn’t get robed, then forgot where she hid them. I had to help her look for hours, and finally after 6 hours of looking had passed by, we found her bag overrun by a band of raccoons. After all my hard work she didn’t want to wear her clothes, so she left them in the woods.

Well my #oopsmybad is more of an everyday slip up. Ok… I trip ALOT. I trip  up stairs, down stairs, beside stairs, and pretty much on everything. I trip on air, leaves, small twigs, and yes vertical things. People say its because i don’t have proper depth perception, but the doctor says I have 20/20 vision.

Well the reason #Whyimsingle is because Im insanely weird and socially awkward. Yeah, Im a really nice person, but I’m also very strange. I often stray from the road of normalcy.

So I used to think that Skippy Peanut Butter was really by a guy surfboarding over peanuts, until they became creamy. I also used to think that the Internet was really the matrix.

Ok, for my #Thatwasstupid, i remember when I thought it would be a good idea to clean the bathroom by filling the tub with soap, and letting the water run so the bubbles filled the room. I shoved plastic under the door and closed it while the water ran. An hour later, i open the bathroom door the meet a wave of soapy water. The suds stung my eyes like a thousand bees, while i swallowed gallons of a bitter sweet body wash. The water carried out the bathroom in a wave, crashing in the hallway. The floor was slippery and i fell many more times than I usually fall in a 3 minute period (Yes I trip about every 3 minutes   -_-   XD).

Ok… well that’s it for now guys. Follow, like and comment and vote.

So don’t forget to Live and Love to Laugh



  • Ok… Well I’m thinking that this video should get a funny scale just for itself. I was laughing so hard I choked (I mean I’m pretty clumsy so I choke and trip on everything, but this was different). I loved the intro. KSI has some of the coolest intros I HAVE EVER SEEN. I loved the part when his dad turns to look at him and gives him that weird smile. XD all the way. 

  • Its safe to say that this video had us all gasping for air. The father was just way to funny for the human brain to handle. I had like a system error before I had like a seizure on the floor. Lets give yourchonny a round of applause for that work of art. 🙂

  • I’m not entirely sure what Duck Sauce was thinking when they were coming up with video ideas. One it has nothing to do with the song. I thought it was very funny. I had tears in my eyes from the first note to the last. My brother fell to the ground with a loud and painful sounding  THUDDD, followed by an OWWOWWOWWWWOWWOW!!!!! 

  •   Art, pure art. One, I’ve got to know this guy’s deviant art (If you have one, watch me @ justice-dabawz). It was cool how his life at this job was so weird. When I get a job I wish it is as exiting as his was. The part that I really connected to was when he drew Aladdin all over the sidewalk t get revenge. I would do the exact same thing. 

Ok… well that’s it for now guys. Follow, like and comment. I also need more views on my video I made in school, so go to the Dictatorship tab and watch the trailer in YouTube. Also please vote in the polls below.

So don’t forget to Live and Love to Laugh


Todrick Hall

HEYO! (>^,^)>

  • I like this video because not only is it funny, but so many types of people are doing splits which makes it so cool in my opinion. I thought it was hilarious when the father and his son were doing it also. The video makes doing splits on trees look cool and not weird and a sign of insanity
  •  BRUHHHHH. This video was just too funny. It was a cool twist on the hunger games. I love how people died in the weirdest ways. The part where Fatniss shot those girls while they were dancing had me rollin.  The beginning was a little surprising in how Fatniss was excited to be tribute.
  • This is my favorite video by Todrick Hall (other than #Bandcamp). Most of his videos are some weird version of a classic. In this case, he acts as a ghetto version of Mary Poppins. Its ironic how he says that the kids don’t have to clean their room, then they come back to see everything stolen, including the bed, on top of the fact that their floor is covered in the white powder.
  • Here we are again, taking a whole new prospective on Snow White. It was funny because it actually made sense like that is what really happened. The real shocker was that the prince couldn’t get her to wake up. Dopey, the most unexpected character got her to wake up which was just too funny.

So that was the last video! I hoped you like this post. Please, comment what you would like to see on my blog anytime. Remember that funny videos are for everyone. It doesn’t matter what mood you’re in. Just know that the world may let you down, but any dead on the floor funny video surely has your back.

So don’t forget to Live and Love to Laugh

BEYO! <(^,^<)