Tag Archives: a

This is a commentary

So the challenge for this port was to use meaningful topic sentences. I mean, to be honest, thats kinda impossible because rarely put any types a thought into what I write on here mainly because I want the reader to enjoy the videos and have to worry about having to read some structured paragraphs to kill the vibe, but I want an A so deal with it..

So without further ado, i present to you… My VERY shitty paragraphs with half-assed topic sentences.


So I was inspired by these videos to write about things that piss me off as well.

Number 1

People who like to give ambuguous answers to simple question absolutly infuriate me. For one they dont do anythin for you or themselves.  I mean maybe they want to avoid a long conersation, but if its a yes or no question just freakin answer it. GEEZZ. Get your life to together because its so scattered that you cant even give a straigt answer. Another defence might be that “I want you to solve your own probles'” or “I want to provoke your thinking”. Like where do you get your drugs?!?!?!? For example, I could ask someone if brown and yellow go together and they would say, “I dont know.. does it?”. Like listen beeotch, if I knew I wouldnt walk all the over here to ask you!

Number 2

I HATE “Story yeeters”. What these people are, are the people  who start to tell you something, but then leave you hanging half way through saying,” I can’t tell you” or “never mind”. IF I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO FREAKING KNOW DONT SAY ANYTHING. For example a conversaton would go like this:

“Hey, this girl did something really bad to me.”


“I cant tell you that”

“Then why would you bring it up you low ass, malnurished lookin, unibrow having, childish actin bastard!”


Well thats it for now.. I’ll continue some other time but for now follow, like, and comment what gets you mad. And dont forget to vote please.